Hanukkah Party Ideas
Get ready to have some fun and festive celebration this December with creative Hanukkah party ideas. Base your Hanukkah ideas and Hanukkah party themes on the age groups of the guests you invite to the party. Incorporate a pinch of fun and a dash of tradition into your Hanukkah party planning.
Find the perfect party theme with these ideas for Chanukah:
- Game Time Theme: Entertain the little kids during Hanukkah and create a pin-the-candle-on-the-menorah game. Draw a menorah on a large piece of poster board and then cut out a handful of candles. Place double sided sticky tape on the candles. Line the kids up, blind fold them, and one-by-one have them stick their candles on the menorah. Award a prize to the child with the most accurate candle placement.
- Help Those Less Fortunate: Throw a spectacular Hanukkah celebration this year and invite lots of family and friends. Ask ask each family to bring a toy to donate to those less fortunate. Collect all of the toys and donate them to a local charity at the end of your Hanukkah celebration.
- Hanukkah Play: Re-enact the story of Hanukkah and perform a play with a select group of guests during the party. Teach the young children about the history of the holiday and entertain at the same time! Provide a script and costumes for the actors and actresses. Have someone in the audience tape the performance to reminisce at a later date.
Get creative with your Hanukkah ideas and share them with your party guests. Consider additional ideas such as baking, story-telling, and a Hanukkah yankee swap. Chag sameach!